About Us

Nuturing every student to excel through unity and diversity.

Education that goes
Beyond Academic

In Tree Top International School, your children will go beyond academic excellence. Through value-based child-centred learning, our students develop practical life skills and transferable soft skills alongside the Cambridge curriculum.
With this holistic approach, we guide students to their full potential. Your children will become independent, capable and compassionate individuals who give back to their communities.

Law Cheok Maan

Founder | Managing Director

First, let me welcome you to our family at Tree Top International School!

The three circles of our logo represent the 3R values in value-based learning: Relationship, Reality and Responsibility. 

Relationship reflects our aspiration of honouring and accepting the uniqueness of every child. By embracing our children’s uniqueness, we can understand their strengths, capabilities, limitations and needs to provide the right education for them.

Reality is our main focus on the challenge towards excellence. Reality guides us towards the right educational path. It helps us determine which skills and knowledge are most relevant to our children in order to prepare them for the future. 

Responsibility represents the first small steps of an educational journey. When we instil responsibility within our children, they are given the steering wheel to take charge of their education, transforming them into people who love to learn. 

With these 3R values, we create a safe, learning environment that is child-inspired. 

The child-centred aspect of our value-based learning approach requires the collaboration between the school, businesses, the neighbourhood community, parents, teachers, and children. It takes a village to raise a child. 

In this inclusive community, we are all involved in this journey of community-inspired learning.

Law Cheok Maan

Founder | Managing Director

First, let me welcome you to our family in Tree Top International School!

The three circles of our logo represent the 3R values in value-based learning: Relationship, Reality and Responsibility. 

Relationships reflect our aspiration of honouring and accepting the uniqueness of every child. By embracing our children’s uniqueness, we can understand their strengths, capabilities, limitations and needs to provide the right education for them.

Reality is our main focus on the challenge towards excellence. Reality guides us towards the right educational path. It helps us determine which skills and knowledge are most relevant to our children in order to prepare them for the future. 

Responsibility represents the first small steps of an educational journey. When we instil responsibility within our children, they are given the steering wheel to take charge of their education, transforming them into people who love to learn. 

With these 3R values, we create a safe, learning environment that is child-inspired. 

The child-centred aspect in our value-based learning approach requires the collaboration between the school, businesses, the neighbourhood community, parents, teachers, and children. It takes a village to raise a child. 

In this inclusive community, we are all involved in this journey of community-inspired learning.


We highly value the formation of genuine and meaningful relationships within our school community and the broader community we live in. We encourage students to connect in a safe and creative environment with others who may be different from them, learning from one another, growing and thriving together as a community.


We train students to become independent and resilient while being mindful of personal areas of growth as they experience the joys and challenges in life.


We emphasize the importance of mastering real life skills and the desire to serve, collaborate and impact others in love. This process begins at school and at home, and will equip students to be contributing members of the broader community.

Our purpose is to foster a diverse, nurturing community that motivates young individuals to achieve their full potential. We strive to develop students into self-assured, independent learners who embody responsible global citizenship, guided by robust moral values and integrity.

Nurturing every student to excel through unity in diversity.

To be a hub of trust and respect, an environment for collaborative leadership, an impactor of the local and global community of learners.

We are so glad to hear that you are interested in joining us!

We are so glad to hear that you are interested in joining us!​