Read about what our students and teachers love to explore and create

Peace with People – A Meaningful Start to 2025!
Building Peace Together What a wonderful way to start the new year! As we welcome 2025, we are thrilled to embark on a new partnership

The Treetop Young Barista Project: How TTIS Teaches Students The Key to Entrepreneurship
Business studies can be a confusing subject to secondary school students. Before entering secondary school, these students were children who learnt BODMAS, chased each other

Are You Scared that Your Child May Be Lagging Behind? If So: Read This.
“Every parent wants their children to do well.” Ms.Lin (Preschool Montessori Teacher) How many of us can identify with this statement? As parents, we naturally

Challenging Zoom Art Class Projects Students (and You Lazing at Home) can Complete Within 45 Minutes.
As a primary school art teacher, I always look for new ideas and lessons for my upper primary school students. However, long-distance learning and virtual

Challenging Zoom Art Class Projects Students (and You Lazing at Home) can Complete Within 45 Minutes.
Capacity Building Workshop on Distance Learning Running a capacity building workshop on Distance Learning for Estuar university, jointly organised by the University of London Centre

The Principles of Having Genuine, Meaningful Friendships: How to Form Bonds that will Last a Lifetime
t is great to have a large circle of friends! With a strong community based on relationships, we can help and support one another. But

I Dream About the Future of Education
After over a year of lockdowns, school closures, and remote learning, the role of education has never been more critical. As a primary school teacher

How I Get My Students Excited for Online Classes
In my Year 3 and 4 math classes, I notice that students quickly lose interest. Getting our students’ attention is a problem many of us

Is Your Child Ready for Reality 2022 and Beyond?
Imagine your child 15-20 years from now. Your child has excelled in their pre-university course with flying colours, and they have been accepted into their