Cambridge Primary
In our intention to provide a better transition into IGCSE, Tree Top International School (TTIS) will adopt the Cambridge Primary curriculum with effect from January 2021 onwards. As you review the elements in the Cambridge Primary curriculum, you will note the overall balance between acquiring knowledge and developing skills that will enhance your child’s capacity to own their learning journey. Approaches to learning will be varied to meet the learning modality and capacity of each grade level through differentiation, yet maintaining the year level conceptual benchmarks. Cambridge Primary starts learners on an exciting educational journey. It provides a strong foundation for students at the beginning of their schooling before progressing through the Cambridge Pathway in an ageappropriate way.
- 6-12 Years Old
- Mon - Thurs 8:15AM-2:30PM | Fri 8:15AM - 1:45PM
FREE Class Trial
Our inclusive learning environment, coupled with a low student-teacher ratio, is designed to teach children of all unique learning styles. You can experience it now in person!
01. Cambridge Primary English
This curriculum develops learners’ curiosity about other languages and cultures, and how these shape our perceptions of the world. They will see themselves as successful language learners, be able to communicate effectively and become confident in and enjoy reading a range of texts as their skills develop.
02. Cambridge Primary Mathematics
Our curriculum’s “Thinking and working mathematically” approach promotes collaborative discussions, critical thinking, and evidence-based reasoning among learners. It encourages them to understand and connect mathematical ideas, fostering higher-order thinking skills and a mathematical perspective on the world.
03. Cambridge Primary Science
培养学生的科学思维,锻炼他们的实践动手能力,加深他们对知识的理解。通过引导学生关注身边的科学,让他们意识到 “科学和我们的生活紧密相连”,从而让他们更热爱科学这门学科。
04. Cambridge Primary Physical Education
This subject is about learning to move and moving to learn. Learners develop skills through a wide variety of age-appropriate physical activities, including games, gymnastics and dance. As individuals and team members, they will:
- 提高自信,随着控制力、流畅性和多样性的提升,变得更加灵活。
- 增强对概念、规则、战术、策略和创作理念的理解。
- 以尊重和负责任的方式参与活动,确保安全,并做到适当参与。
05. 剑桥小学艺术与设计
- 学会将自己视为艺术家,变得更加独立和有反思能力
- 发展表达创意和视觉沟通所需的技能
- 理解自己以及他人在创造性、创新性和互联互通的世界中的角色。
06. 剑桥小学音乐课程
- 通过有趣且有意义的音乐活动,培养对音乐的热爱;
- 学习必要的知识、技能和态度,成长为一名音乐人;
- 通过唱歌和演奏乐器,与他人进行有目的且充满表现力的合作;
- 培养个人和团队的创造力;
- 运用日益丰富的音乐知识,创作出独特、富有意义且有价值的音乐作品。
07. 剑桥全球视野课程
剑桥全球视野课程致力于培养以下核心技能:研究、分析、评估、反思、合作和沟通。 此外,它还加强了与其他学科的联系,如英语(第一语言或第二语言)、数学、科学以及信息与通信技术(ICT)入门课程。
08. 马来语
09. 普通话(中文)
10. 健康与幸福
- 促进身体和心理健康
- 培养社交和情感交流
- 增强学生和教育者健康选择的能力
- 打造支持性的氛围,培养良好的人际关系、协作精神、学习能力和个人成长